Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Adsense on your Blogspot Blog

Activists need money to pay for gas, ball point pens, clipboards, signs, copies, etc.

One way to earn money is by creating a blog and activating your Adsense ads on that blog.

This should help you as you start your blog and activate Adsense.

First go to

When you're there click "New Blog"

You will create a Title and a Blog Address.

Then click "Create Blog"

You will see that your blog has been created.

Now that your blog is created click on the name of the blog.

Next Click "Earnings".

Next Click "Learn more"

You might learn that your blog has to exist for 6 months before you can activate Adsense.

If you just created your blog today, remember to come back and do the rest of this tutorial in 6 months.

When you come back 6 months later sign in to your blog, click on it, then click "Earnings"

You'll see you need 3 Things

Click Proceed to Click the button on the left

Then Re-Enter your password.

Then Click "Accept association"

It will say "Redirecting you"

Then it will say your widget has been added.

Click Continue

You will see your ads are going to be in the sidebar, and in the middle between posts.
Your blog and ads will look slightly different on mobile phones but we'll talk about that later.

Next Click "Layout" on the left side of the screen.

Next click "Add a Gadget"

Then Scroll down

Click on the Adsense Plus

This is all kind of excessive because the gadget should already be in your Blogspot.

But it will allow you to adjust color schemes for some of your ads.

Next click "View Blog" at the top of the page in admin view.

Then you can see you have ads in the margins on your page.

After that create Blogs.
Read a news article somewhere online.
Let people know you read it.
Let people know how to get to the original article.
Tell people how the article makes you feel.
See if you can make any predictions based on what you've read in the article.

Create a new blog everyday if you can. Then share it through Facebook and other social media.

After you've gone a couple days of creating and sharing Blogs,
go to

You can see what kind of traffic you're getting, and you can see if it is helping you earn any money.

There will be more lessons in the future.

We'll look at Youtube.

We'll look at different ways of making your own ad code for different sized ads and placing them all over the place including Facebook custom tabs, and Tumblr Pages.

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